Follow Up from Sparkling Week Zoom Session
Thanks to everyone who joined me on Zoom for our Sparkling wine session. Here's a summary of all the info from the chat that I promised to share. (Links underlined)
Debbie x
Thanks to our lovely guests-
Arthur Camut- Palmer & Co. Champagne
Tasting- Palmer & Co Brut Reserve

Tommy Grinshaw- Emerging Vines live from Langham Winery
Emerging Vines are offering an English Wine Discovery Box use the code "WILDWINE10" for 10% OFF!
Mike Borne- from BinTwo
Talking- Fizzy Bum Bum (Tasted by Robin and Ayesha)
These are the wines people shared in the chat, if anyone wants to add theirs please send me an email and I'll drop it in below:
I was drinking- Drappier Blanc de Blancs
Paul was drinkning- Ferghettina Francicorta
The Palmers were drinking- Cremant de Jura
Greg was drinking- Vincent Caille X Bulles (Pet Nat from Muscadet)
Julie was drinking- Krier-Bisenius Cremant de Luxemborg
Aleysha and Robin were drinking- Fizzy Bum Bum
The Warners were drinking- Aldi Organic Prosecco
Highlights of info from Q&As
Q- From Tommy Grimshaw for Arthur
what fermentation vessels are you using?
A- From Arthur Camut
Stainless steel tank only. Full malo.
Q- From Mark to Tommy and Arthur
Are most growers going towards natural winemaking? Also, does sparkling wine go through malo during primary fermentation?
A- Tommy Grimshaw
not most growers but people are moving in that direction generally I think. the malo question is completely down to the winemaker
From Mark
I see full malo was mentioned
From Arthur Camut
in Champagne Full malo is what most house or growers would do but not all of them. Lanson is one of the big boys not doing it, and plenty of grower do not do it neither
“CRÉMANT DE LUXEMBOURG Luxembourg is the only country outside of France where the term “Crémant” can be legally used. It’s made from grapes grown in the Moselle district under the Moselle Luxembourgeoise Appellation. Common varietals used include Riesling, Pinot Blanc, Rivaner (Müller Thurgau), Elbling, Auxerrois, Pinot Noir (for rosé), and Chardonnay.”
Info on US Producers of Sparkling Wines
From Arthur Camut to Everyone: (03:49 pm)
Hi Mark, definitely agree, some great sparkling producers in the US. Few champagne brands invested in California to make US Sparkling Wines there (Roederer and Pommery I Believe). I dont know that much of the oregon producers of sparkling wines but not surprised as Oregon has fantastic Pinot Noir wines
From Mark
A few Oregon winemakers are making wonderful sparkling in addition to Pinot and Chard.
From Arthur
mark feel free to share to winery names ! We do not find that much of them in the UK, and very very rarely in France
From Mark
Argyle( Oregon) most available, excellant. Also, I like Schramsberg, Blanc de Blanc from Northern Calif., also widely available. BY THE WAY, if you can find Beaux Freres from Williamette. Wonderful biodynamic Pinots and Chards.
From rober
Sorry I'm having audio difficulties today. One California Sparkling Wine that I would suggest is a Schramsberg located in Calistoga, California in the Napa Valley region. Specifically, they produce a blanc de blanc that tastes clean and has notes of tropical fruit It tastes like green apple on the palate. It has a refreshing taste. I've enjoyed it with shell fish and as an aperitif.
From Tommy Grimshaw
Schramsburg are a decent producer
Mike's Recommendations for Australia Sparkling
From michaelboyne
My top tip for an unusual sparkling wine… check out Tasmanian sparkling wine. Only an hour’s flight from Australia but a different world in terms of winemaking. Fabulous cool climate conditions enable them to produce work class sparkling wine (traditional method). Check out House of Arras or Joseph Chromy. Stunning wines. Tasmania produces knock out Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and a range of other wines too. 50% of the wines they produce are drunk in Tasmania and 45% gets drunk in mainland Australia with only 5% going to international export. So it’s quite hard to find but we import some still wines directly and we stock the Jospeh Chromy sparkling wines at BinTwo.
Unanswered Questions I spotted after the session
Q- Is vinho verde a petnat?
A- Traditionally yes, but I don't know of any producers who are still using this method. The spritz is now added by wine makers after fermentation by injecting CO2.